An analysis of school failure on two secondary schools
secondary compulsory education, school failure, public policy evaluation, educational assessment, school graduationAbstract
Objectives: This study investigates the causes of school failure in two public secondary schools in Padrón (A Coruña, Galicia, Spain) measures programs and policies implemented for reduction. Method: To address the problem of school failure in the centers studied, with an evaluation study mixed methodological approach is designed. In this design the three main objectives of the LOGSE are measured: 1) compulsory education, 2) equity and equal opportunities, 3) and the quality of education. To do this a number of variables through which to benchmark the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability excellence are chosen, and quantitative data from various sources and qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups. Results: We observed that the increase of schooling to 18 years has been one of the positive consequences of the implementation of LOGSE because it is a mechanism that significantly promotes equal opportunities, although the results in terms cultural and educational level, still appear to be insufficient. The factors that influence school failure are multiple and are closely interrelated, so that instead of focusing resources on some of its components, seem to be more appropriate and more likely to succeed a strategy that implies a global approach to the problem.Downloads
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