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Elisardo López Varela
University of A Coruña
Vol. 2 (2001), Articles, pages 105-127
Published: May 17, 2001
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Together with Rosalía and Pondal, Manuel Curros Enriquez (1851-1908) was one of the pillars of Galician literary revival in the nineteenth century. His work was created at a time when there was no official standard for the language and therefore no codified model of usage for spelling, features of oral language, grammatical constructions, vocabulary, etc. The aim of this article is to examine the linguistic features of Curros Enríquez’s literary use of language in order to assess, albeit circumstantially, both the state of Galician at the time and the author’s knowledge of it. The analysis reveals a notable depth of knowledge and understanding of the language in his work, including traces of Saco Arce’s 1868 Gramática.


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