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Berenice Florian Hernández-Arvizu
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM
Yunuen Ixchel Guzmán-Cedillo
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Diana Natalia Lima-Villeda
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023), Articles, pages 95-111
Submitted: Feb 23, 2023 Accepted: Jun 19, 2023 Published: Jul 1, 2023
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The aim of this study is to identify the meanings attributed to Project-Based Learning (PBL) by university psychology students in relation to the activities involved, effort required and learning acquired in a blended learning environment prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the distance learning substitute implemented during lockdown. The study uses a qualitative-phenomenological methodology to examine the participants’ experience of both modalities. The data were obtained from the discourse of 130 university psychology students: 67 blended and 63 distance. The analysis consisted of thematic coding based on a book of emergent categories and subcategories. The findings show that students in both modalities learned a range of different content, skills, knowledge and abilities through their project. More research is required to examine the impact of learning modality and PBL teacher experience.


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