Universal Design for Learning in the Teaching of Catholic Moral and Religious Education
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In their teaching practice, the Catholic Moral and Religious Education (EMRC) teacher is faced with the requirement to articulate the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the spiral design of the subject curriculum, by Jerome Bruner. The main objective of this study is to deepen the pedagogical practices of EMRC teachers in the application of the UDL. The sample is composed by teachers of this curricular area in Portugal, totaling 181 participants. The results reveal that EMRC teachers are involved in building an inclusive school. Despite some similarities between a curricular conception of Jerome Bruner and the phases of involvement and representation of the UDL, the EMRC teachers surveyed have difficulties in including all of the UDL phases in their pedagogical practice, in particular, the expression, which suggests the need of continuous training in this area, as a way of promoting inclusive pedagogical practices.
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