How can Positive Psychology/Education empower schools in the context of the pandemic?
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One of the contexts most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic was the school, requiring students, parents and teachers to develop new skills. The social distance imposed in many countries brought as a legacy the creation of innovative teaching-learning practices and new forms of social interaction and expression of affection. These changes highlight the importance of emotional self-regulation techniques and the development of values and actions in favor of collective well-being. In this sense, Positive Psychology and Education have effectively contributed to helping schools to promote, in addition to academic skills, positive values and beliefs (such as compassion/self-compassion, hope/optimism, solidarity and life meaning), which impact school performance, health and the way people perceive themselves in the world, their purposes and their potential. The purpose of this article is to present scientific evidence on how Positive Psychology and Education, through their techniques and lines of action, can empower the school community, especially students, in the current context of the pandemic.
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