Subjective perception and socialisation of romantic relationships among student teachers
partner influence, social behaviour, sociocultural patternsAbstract
Relationships are usually perceived as a source of well-being and the basis for a shared life plan owing to their importance as a form of social organisation. However, the ideology of romantic love promoted by the different agents of socialisation can have negative consequences. The aim of this qualitative study is to analyse perceptions regarding relationships and romantic love among 34 student teachers with an average age of 21.32 years (SD = 3.121). The results show that commitment and reciprocity are important indicators of individual and shared well-being, although some responses indicated discomfort in relation to the social imperatives of romantic love. Participants also made frequent reference to certain negative aspects of relationships, such as jealousy and controlling behaviours by mainly female partners. Greater awareness and recognition of the meaning and significance attributed to romantic love and relationships could help to examine critically how these relational models have been assimilated by those responsible for socialising future generations.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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