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Sabina Valente
Abílio Afonso Lourenço
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020), Articles, pages 12-24
Submitted: Jul 5, 2019 Accepted: Apr 25, 2020 Published: Jul 1, 2020
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Emotional intelligence is a growing area of interest in education. Up to now, however, little research attention has been paid to the question of teacher emotional intelligence, probably owing to the lack of assessment tools. The aim of the study reported here was to adapt and validate the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ) for Portuguese teachers. ESCQ is a self-report instrument for measuring emotional intelligence, based on the theoretical model of Mayer and Salovey (1997). A sample of 958 school teachers was supplied with the following survey instruments: the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire for Teachers (ESCQ-T), and the Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II – Portuguese Version in School Context (ROCI-II-PViSC). The statistical analysis included structural equation modelling using SPSS/AMOS 25 to adapt and validate the ESCQ-T, an instrument for assessing teacher emotional intelligence. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit with the original factor structure. The ESCQ-T also showed a robust reliability coefficient and good psychometric validity and reliability. The study demonstrates that the Portuguese version of the ESCQ-T is a valid instrument for assessing teacher emotional intelligence and may be used in future studies and in relation to educational practice.


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