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Júlio Taimira
Instituto Superior de Ciencias e Tecnologia Alberto Chipande - Instituto Universitario
Fernando Canastra
Vol. Extr., núm. 07 (2015) - XIII CIG-PP, XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 7: FORMACIÓN Y TRANSICIÓN PARA EL MUNDO DEL TRABAJO, pages 028-034
Submitted: May 1, 2015 Accepted: Aug 14, 2015 Published: Nov 14, 2015
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The present work aims to search for central investigating the students ' transition to working life and professional at the universities of Sofala Province in Mozambique. In this context, the process of transition to the active and professional life takes a significant relevance, considering, on the one hand, the uncertainties, precariousness and permanent mobility in the field of employability, due, among other reasons, to the globalization neoliberal matrix; on the other hand, the competitiveness in the labour market, generates new demands and requirements, in terms of self-training dynamics and the need for lifelong learning. However, today, we need to do something more, when we speak of "transition to working life and professional", i.e. more than accompany a "passage", that is, increasingly, to monitor and mediate a "route" in the context of the life trajectories, taking into account the future professional life. It is in this context that subscribes this study, trying to give answers to this phenomenon, within the framework of the institutions of higher education in Sofala (Mozambique). Thus, the study seeks to give an account of the various experiences that exist in this context, having privileged participatory research methodology, since we not only identify the existing difficulties, but to make proposals for improvement.


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