High school location and video games use
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The aim of the present study is to know whether or not the location of the high school determines in any form the way teenagers use this kind of entertainment. This paper is integrated within a larger quantitative descriptive research, with a sample of 708 teenagers who were studying secondary education or higher in high schools, with ages between 12 and 18 years old (M: 13.81; TD: 1.25) A questionnaire of items about personal, academic, and video game use variables was used.The results show that playing video games is the first leisure choice for urban schoolers more often than for rural schoolers. The first group also reports more years in their history of playing with these games, and more hours dedicated to them, especially during the week from Monday to Friday. About the preferred platform, both urban and rural group show similar preferences, such as mobile phones or tablets and consoles with TV connection. Finally, rural adolescents preferplaying the video game Among Us, while urban ones prefer a more violent title like Fortnite, showing both groups preference for multiplayer online games.Studying this kind of social themes could be quite interesting because it confronts two current social realities: in one hand, the relentless video game industry expansion, and on the other, the digital breach between rural and urban spaces.
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