The use of cinematographic material as an educational enhancement to lectures in a university environment
teaching in social psychology, teaching strategies, film, learning, university studentsAbstract
A didactic approach using high-quality film material, specifically 12 Angry Men (1957), was introduced in a university social psychology course (N = 146) in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). The study aimed to determine if viewing this classic film would enhance academic outcomes and student satisfaction, and reduce dropout rates. This objective was addressed through a comparison of natural class (two classrooms per semester) over one and a half years. Initially, all students took a film comprehension and interpretation assessment along with a knowledge test (pre-test). In smaller classrooms, traditional lectures were conducted (control group), while in larger classrooms, the course was taught using the film (experimental group). At the end of the intervention, academic scores and a mixed-method satisfaction survey (post-test) were recorded. Results across three semesters showed that students exposed to the film: (1) exhibited lower dropout rates, and (2) provided more positive qualitative feedback. (In addition, they obtained better academic grades and higher satisfaction scores, although the differences were not statistically significant. Despite the limitations of the quantitative data, the results support the continued use of high quality film material in the Colombian university setting to illustrate social psychology concepts.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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