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José María Mesías-Lema
University of A Coruna
Ricard Ramon
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021), Articles, pages 7-22
Submitted: Mar 3, 2021 Accepted: Mar 29, 2021 Published: Mar 31, 2021
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This article discusses the use of photography as a pedagogical artefact and documentation tool for Arts-based Educational Research. Its implementation is accomplished through the collaborative project "Ways to make worlds", developed by two Spanish universities. This project delves into the educational discourses, methodologies and thinking through performative actions using photography. These actions constitute a means of subverting the classroom and reflecting on it, above all, by focusing on the initial training of teachers in the visual arts. The results of the actions allow us to visualize the spaces of reflection and analysis that the participants develop with their own bodies, acquiring a new way of thinking and offering an instrument of artistic action to engage educationally in their future classrooms.


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