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Daniel Alejandro Ibañez-Gaona
Politécnico Grancolombiano
Leonardo Ortegon-Cortazar
Politécnico Grancolombiano
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021), Articles (open section), pages 116-130
Submitted: Jul 22, 2021 Accepted: Sep 29, 2021 Published: Dec 14, 2021
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People’s experience of advertising on social media plays an important role in digital marketing management. The concept of ‘brand experience’ is one way for managers to improve their understanding of how to optimise customer attention and connection with brands. The aim of this study is to identify the main components of the experience of clothing advertising on the social network Instagram. The study consisted of a quantitative analysis based on data collected through an online survey. The results of the descriptive and factor analysis revealed three main factors: behavioural, affective and intellectual. The article concludes with a discussion of all three.


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