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Ana María López Hernández
Universidad de Murcia
Manuela López
Universidad de Murcia
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019), Articles (open section), pages 19-41
Submitted: Jul 30, 2019 Accepted: Oct 2, 2019 Published: Dec 23, 2019
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Omnichannel consumers are the result of a growing desire on the part of customers to interact with companies through all available channels. The challenge for businesses, therefore, is to offer consumers a distribution strategy capable of meeting their demands. The aim of this study is to analyse the extent to which this challenge has been met by leading cosmetics retailers in Spain. A content analysis of company brand presence on social media, websites and physical stores was carried out. The results show that while cosmetics companies are starting to use omnichannel strategies, they are still in a phase of transition and adaptation. More work is needed to integrate their physical and online channels more effectively.


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