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Cecilia Ugalde
University of Azuay
Vol. 01 No. 013 (2014), Articles (open section), pages 43-62
Submitted: Dec 4, 2018 Accepted: Dec 4, 2018
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This study aims to explore the influence and relationship that brand attitude and perceived quality of a product or service have over their advertisements, and how each influences, if so, in the consumer’s purchase intent. The study focuses on the services area, based on the recall of an advertisement in the food service segment.
This research explores among others, a relationship about which we found no previous studies, that is the relationship between the perceived quality of a product or service and the attitude towards its advertisements. For this study 250 random surveys were conducted in the city of Cuenca. SPSS and EQS were used for the data analysis.
Based on this study it can be stated that the perceived quality of a brand influences the attitude towards its ads; while the attitude toward said brand doesnot influence the attitude towards its  ads, but does influence in its purchase intent, which lends itself to that through advertising the attitude towards the  brand can improve if it has been damaged.
The fact that the attitude you have towards an advertisement does not trigger on purchase intent, reinforces the need to explore factors that improve the effectiveness of advertisements


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