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Marta Estrada
Universitat Jaume I
Diego Monferrer
Universitat Jaume I
Vol. 01 No. 011 (2013), Articles (open section), pages 163-184
Submitted: Nov 30, 2018 Accepted: Nov 30, 2018
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An important search in the field of aging has shown that there is a generalized tendency for older adults to maintain identities of cognitive age that correspond to younger people. In agreement with the popular view that “one is as old as one really feels” there is evidence that these self-conceptions of age can be better predictors of involvement, attitude and behavior towards products than the chronological age. Although self-perceptions of age in older adults have been widely studied, little is known about how this may affect their degree of involvement with advertised products. In this study we demonstrate, using structural equations models (SEM) and a sample of 1018 observations, that cognitive age is a segmentation criterion superior to chronological age in the study of older adults’ degree of involvement with the product.


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