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Noelia Araújo Vila
Universidade de Vigo
José Antonio Fraiz Brea
Universidade de Vigo
Vol. 01 No. 010 (2013), Articles (open section), pages 3-20
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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In the society in which we live, the reward individuals have free time in which to unwind from your routine or work. As part of this time off, the audiovisual sector has occupied an important position, and audiovisual products such as feature films, series or music, those with higher consumption. Individuals show special
interest in them, sometimes even create links or signs of empathy with them. Therefore, given such an interest on the part of individuals, the other sectors will have an opportunity to get noticed by those products, positioning their brands on them (brand placement). But not all of these products are suitable to advertise any brand, but you need to set preferences. Therefore, in this investigation, after surveying 482 Spanish viewers, presents results associated with a particular audiovisual product, audiovisual series. All this in order to help brands to choose what type of series placed.


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