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Noelia Araújo Vila
Universidad de Vigo
José Antonio Fraiz
Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 33-60
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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The New Age or Leisure Society is characterized by the appearance of a new consumer rewards have free time on earning more money from working longer hours. The most consumed products or services as part of this highly valued free time, are within the entertainment industry, specifically, the audiovisual sector. Emerging new products or adapt to new and existing trends, such as television, the medium in which the focus of this article. Television, in the XXI century, continues to show high rates of audiences worldwide, while maintaining its original purpose, to inform and to train, through its wide range of diversified. Therefore, through a qualitative study, we try to know what the current situation is in the national scene.


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