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Ileana Díaz Fernández
Universidad de La Habana
Alma Hernández Ruiz
Universidad de La Habana
Luis A. Barreiro Pousa
Universidad de La Habana
Vol. 01 No. 01 (2009), Articles (open section), pages 277-290
Submitted: Nov 21, 2018 Accepted: Nov 21, 2018
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Making a diagnosis about marketing in Cuba is not an easy task. It has still an incipient integration in the Cuban practices. Even if marketing has appliances in many spheres, it is relevant to precise that this diagnosis shows only the situation of enterprises. From the business point of view, marketing is an important tool in the conditions of Socialism to get two important targets: the required efficiency in production and services, with its consequent impact on the rational use of resources and, by the other hand, in the growing satisfaction of needs, desire and hopes of population, what becomes the Fundamental Law of our mode of production.


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Article Details


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McKenna, R. (1991). Marketing is everything. Harvard Business Review. January-February. 65-77.

Obregón, C. (1988). Cultura organizacional: Perfil de competencias en empresas cubanas. Tesis de Maestría. Ciudad de La Habana. CETED.

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