Children rejected by their peers in Kindergarten education: Prevalence, gender, differences and association with externalizing problems
rejection, children's education, externalised problems, social competenceAbstract
Having friends and feeling accepted by those one feels as significant is a key factor in healthy psychosocial development. However, a significant number of students are rejected by their peers, which may have a considerably negative impact on their development and well-being. There are several causes for this social rejection. The present study specifically explores the relationship between aggressiveness and rejection. Two objectives are set to this piece of work: first, identifying the percentage of socially rejected students in a sample of school children in the second cycle of Infant Education; second, checking for differences in social relations and externalized problems relating to sociometric types. To this aim, eight classes in three different schools of Asturias (two public schools and a state-funded private school) were selected, consisting of a total of 160 students aged four-six. The eight teacher-tutors, all female, also participated in the study. The instruments used in gathering information were a positive and negative nominations sociometric test, implemented with the students, and a reduced version of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behaviour Scales completed by the teachers. Results show a significantly high number of socially rejected students. It is also shown that rejected students have more externalised problems and problems of social interaction if compared to the more widely accepted students in the group. Practical implications of these findings are discussed.Downloads
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