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Xosé Fernández Fernández
University of Vigo
Vol. 14 (2010), Monograph: education and Galician, pages 51-65
Submitted: Sep 19, 2018 Accepted: Sep 19, 2018 Published: Sep 10, 2010
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This work deals with the Galician study of higher education in the period of the first third of the twentieth century. It is a problem because the people who defend the Galician language fought intensely, worried about the appropriate studies, especially those of the university, to the peculiar reality of their country. With a completely new perspective and renewed for the moment, different positions are taken on the demand. It is not just about the Galician language, but about the introduction of new curricular stamens as new subjects to introduce in the curricula or as things to deal with within the subjects, as well as applying for new university degrees for USC University that would prevent, among other causes of pain, students from going to foreign regions. Thus, we are approaching different educational actions really necessary for the development of science and culture with the main objective of knowing Galicia in order to completely change its reality, encompassed within a social context not very growing, scattered in small population centres and marked by emigration.


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