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M. Blanca Miranda Rodas
Universidade de Vigo
Vol. 24 (2023), Articles
Published: Dec 13, 2023
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Villar’s narrative is characterised by a planned plot and psychologically profiled characters through dialogues and a geo-localised setting in Galicia. In this article, we address the translation problems we faced when translating some chapters of O último barco by Domingo Villar into French. It also provides clarifications on translation techniques and examines the importance of cultural references. Thus, the textual conventions, the lexical-semantic characteristics of the genre and the work, the idiolectal variety of its characters, and the socio-cultural references of the source text are also analysed. The aim is to simulate a translation project, proposing different translation techniques exemplified for each of the subjects dealt with, to create a version comparable to other works of this genre in the French literary system.


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