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  • Iolanda Ogando González
Iolanda Ogando González
Vol. 23 (2022), Articles, pages 74-92
Published: Dec 27, 2022
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The recurrent disinterest of our PFL students in literature has led us towards a teaching practice that tries to maintain the essence of the subject, but also to renew the approach from which to work. Based on the belief that the literary text is part of the cultural memory of a specific collective, we consider that one of the ways to make the subject relevant lies in the transmission of the meaning that the canon assumed and still assumes in the Portuguese cultural imaginary, constituting. Therefore, literature appears as a piece of essential knowledge for a student of PFL conceived as a social actor capable of interculturally mediating between languages. The inscription of the canon in the collective memory constitutes a first approach which, we think, is now not only useful, but also confirmed in the light of the development of mediation and the pluricultural competence and, of the new theories on postliterary practices.


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