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Paula Teixeira Moláns
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Vol. 22 (2021), Articles, pages 89-106
Published: Dec 9, 2021
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The basic colour terms in Galician is a semantic field to be discovered. This paper reviews two first approaches to this: Villanueva Gesteira (2009) and Teixeira Moláns (2014), which explored the usage of this vocabulary across different generations of speakers. Both works agree on seeing strong lexical differences through the age groups. Nevertheless, these investigations attest different vocabulary and only the data in Teixeira Moláns point to different categorical distributions. In view of these works being insufficient and inconclusive, the last section presents a series of questions that a more ambitious research should answer. The end of the paper announces that such research is already taking place and shares the methodology and some of the initial findings.


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