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José Teixeira
University of Minho / Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas
Vol. 21 (2020), Articles, pages 173-199
Published: Dec 30, 2020
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All sociological studies agree that proverbs reveal the social experiences of past generations and that they represent a window into the main concepts, modes of being and social ideology that in a given time make up the collective thought of a community.
Within this scope, the work of Rafael Bluteau Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino (Portuguese and Latin Vocabulary), edited between 1712 and 1728, in 8 volumes and 2 of supplement, is the first true dictionary of the Portuguese language, in the full meaning of the term. In this work, Bluteau presents several sets of Portuguese proverbs that allow us to glimpse the beliefs and ways of living in Portugal more than 300 years ago.
Thus, from the word "wine" and the proverbs in this entry, we will try to discover and analyze not only the concrete importance of wine in the life of past centuries but above all its symbolic and social dimension which the proverbs (about wine) reveal, reflecting also how proverbs constitute a linguistic dimension of the true "embodied meaning" that Cognitive Linguistics puts into relief.


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