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Luís López Alonso
University of Vigo
Vol. 21 (2020), Articles, pages 39-74
Published: Dec 31, 2020
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After forty years of officialization of the Galician language, statistical data show that both the educational model and the other mechanisms of linguistic normalization have failed. Linguistic substitution is beginning to spread to villages and rural areas with a homogenizing hegemony. The role of secondary education for the future of Galician acquires, therefore, an even greater responsibility than it already had.
This article studies the role, difficulties and problems of teaching in a Galician region to promote the activation of linguistic awareness and the subsequent conversion or newspeakerness in the field of secondary education. To this end, the qualitative method of the discussion group is applied to all secondary school teachers in a Galician region. This led to the conclusion, among others, that a passive teaching model can function as a deactivating agent for the Galician language.
After presenting the state of affairs and the objectives, to analyse and show the most relevant data and end, in the fifth section, with the conclusions and our proposals.


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