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Cristina Martins
University of Coimbra
Graça Rio-Torto
University of Coimbra
María Isabel Festas
University of Coimbra
Vol. 12 (2011), Notes, pages 247-259
Published: May 17, 2011
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The PAL-PORT is the recently adapted European Portuguese version of the Psycholinguistic Assessment of Language (PAL), originally developed for the English language by Caplan (1992). This battery includes subsets of tests pertaining to, amongst others, aspects of morphological processing. In this paper the authors discuss the main challenges faced in selecting the derived suffixed words included in the the PAL PORT’s lexical decision test and production of affixed words test. Word selection criteria are critically reviewed considering the manner in which different suffix and derived word properties (especially morphophonological) interact with potentially alternative processing modes (holistic or (de) compositional) of morphologically complex words.


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