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Anxo Calvo Silvosa
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 9 (2008), Notes, pages 127-138
Published: May 17, 2008
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The aim of this paper is to link the use of the Galician language to the corporate strategy from its origin in order to achieve the main objectives of the firm. Nowadays, Galician is a common used language in firm relationships. However, it can not be considered as the “visible language” of the different relationships among the stakeholders in the firm. After analyzing the concept of strategy, we can say that strategy is a useful tool to insert the firm in its environment. The linguistic subject could be part of the corporate, competitive and functional strategies and contribute to increase the value of the firm. Presently, the use of Galician by the firm can strengthen its option to make itself different from its competitors because it is linked to a higher level of quality and to the image of Galician product our service. Given that the process of linguistic normalization of Galician needs make progress in the business realm, It is also connected to the Social Responsibility of the Firm.


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