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Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo
Universidade de Vigo
Vol. 5 (2004), Notes, pages 165-169
Published: May 17, 2004
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The B4Z4 by D. Garcia Mendiz d’Eixo contains ecdótic problems that have given rise to very different readings. Among other reasons, it must be noted that it is a composition written in provençal laguange and that this language may cause some difficulties of understanding to the copyist, who would reproduce it indeftly. This work focuses on these editing problems, particularly on the fourth verse. Thus, the article provides other possible interpretations, perhaps more appropriate than those that already exist. 


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Lopes, G. Videira (1994): A sátira nos cancioneiros medievais galego-portugueses (Lisboa: Imprensa Universitaria / Editorial Estampa).

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