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Adela Fuentes
Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Cultura y Deportes (Canarias)
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022), Reviews, pages 323-327
Submitted: Nov 13, 2022 Accepted: Dec 7, 2022 Published: Dec 15, 2022
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PRISMA could be an essential tool to research associated to systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis associated. This new version is conformed with two main elements, a checklist (with an extended version to facilitate the checklist comprehension) and four flow diagrams (to carry on new Systematic Reviews or updated Systematic Reviews). Both are tailored to the needs of a broader spectrum of fields of study, ranging from the clinical and quantitative field to those with a mixed methods or qualitative profile as in Social Sciences, and among them the Sciences of Education.


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PAGE, Mathew. J., MCKENZIE, Joanne. E., BOSSUYT, Patrick. M., BOUTRON, Isabelle, HOFFMANN, Tammy, MULROW, Cynthia. D., SHAMSEER, Larissa, TETZLAFF, Jennifer. M., AKL, Elie. A., BRENNAN, Sue. E., CHOU, Roger, GLANVILLE, Julie, GRIMSHAW, Jeremy. M., HRÓBJARTSSON, Asbjorn., LALU, Manoj. M., LI, Tianjing., LODER, Elizabeth. W., MAYO-WILSON, Evan., MCDONALD, Steve, MCGUINNESS, Luck. A., … MOHER, David. (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 372 (71).