Parental burnout, parental monitoring and children's behavioral repertoire
parental burnout, parental monitoring, social skills, behavioral disordersAbstract
Parental burnout is a physical and psychological state of exhaustion characterized by overwhelming fatigue caused by daily caregiving activities. It can lead to negligent and even violent behaviors, acting as a risk factor for children's development. This study aimed to examine the relationships between parental burnout, parental monitoring, and children's behavioral and social skills. A quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted with 108 caregivers and their children aged 6 to 10. Data were collected using the Parental Burnout Inventory, the Social Skills Rating System and the Parental Monitoring Questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis were carried out, with the help of JASP software. Results revealed significant signs of parental burnout, especially in the exhaustion dimension. Caregivers reported their children having medium-to-high levels of social skills but also exhibiting behavioral problems, particularly externalizing behaviors. These findings highlight the importance of preventive interventions aimed at reducing parental exhaustion and promoting positive caregiving practices. Such initiatives could enhance children’s social skills and mitigate behavioral problems, contributing to improved family dynamics.
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- Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións
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