Monograph in IJABER

Drifts and mutant actions. Investigate from the arts to educate by tracing paths.

Reception of articles until 2024 September 30th

Guest editors:
Dr. Amparo Alonso-Sanz. University of Valencia
Dr. Ricard Ramon. University of Valencia
Dr. María Vidagañ. Jaume I University

Keywords: arts-based educational research, artistic research, drifts, actions, walking, body, gaze, c/a/r/tographies,

Drifts and mutant actions. Research from art to education by tracing paths.

Call for papers until 30 September

Guest editors:
Dr Amparo Alonso-Sanz. University of Valencia
Dr Ricard Ramon. University of Valencia
Dr. María Vidagañ, Universitat Jaume I.

Keywords: arts-based educational research, artistic research, drifts, actions, walking, body, gaze, c/a/r/tographies,

Education is essentially an action. Acting the body, the mind and the gaze are essential keys to artistic education that define a form of active learning. Is there such a thing as passive learning? From IJABER magazine, we focus on educational research based on the arts, and we understand and propose, on this occasion, to establish relationships between artistic practices linked to drifting, wandering, moving and making, tracing and untracing paths.

We start from an institutionalised artistic practice, born out of situationist actions, but which, by virtue of its somewhat ungovernable and ephemeral nature, retains the necessary flexibility and creativity associated with pedagogical experimentation and the imaginative exploration of possibilities. In drifting, there are infinite paths to follow and vital choices to be made on which to build our possible routes, making it a preferred medium for the creation of knowledge.

The idea of constructing possible paths, of drawing fictitious maps that articulate c/a/r/tographable truths, establishes a challenge of extreme stimuli that delimits the body with life and distances it from its own moribund lethargy of the claimed knowledge of passivity, always ulcerous towards the body and life. Claiming the drawing of discontinuous lines, sometimes parallel, sometimes interrupted by the contingency of existence itself. Discussions that are experienced alone or under the protection of other bodies and spirits in need of the truth of poetic knowledge and of the gaze associated with aesthetic experience, and which constitute the axes on which to define the work and research proposed for this monograph.

Based on these ideas, we invite, by way of a crida or ceremonial call, the academic community in the field of research in art education and artistic research to present works on the flows of discourse, wandering, tracing, mapping, photographic or graphic visualisation, collection and archiving and/or all those elements that bifurcate with the practices associated with drifting from the perspective of arts-based educational research.

Thematic axes of the monographic:

- Drifting as a method of arts-based educational research.
- Educational artistic practices linked to the body and movement.
- The visualisation of wandering and drifting as learning processes.
- Narratives and metaphors of wandering
- Archives and collections of the path of wandering
- The c/a/rtographies and maps of wandering
- Other routes...