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Rafaèle Genet-Verney
Universidad de Granada
Edward Guerrero-Chinone
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022), Articles
Submitted: Sep 7, 2021 Accepted: Dec 19, 2022 Published: Dec 19, 2022
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This article presents the results of an educational research that relates two concepts formulated as duality during the period of confinement: the home and the city, through the interpretation of the routes in both spaces. The aim is to reveal, through artistic cartography, what happened on a spatial level inside our homes and in the urban setting.

During the months of March-April 2020, an artistic education project based on cartographic drawing was carried out. The students of the Social Education Degree of the Faculty of Education Sciences expressed the enclosure and their need for urbanity, through artistic actions based on visual and spatial experimentation. These compositions guided them towards the construction of an aesthetic discourse on the lived experience and allowed them to connect both the inhabited space and the deprivation of the city from the sensitive point of view.

The results were analysed using Arts-Based Research tools to generate a visual and meaningful interpretation of the data set, constructing an artistic cartography of the students' interior/exterior journeys, thus recovering individual experiences and creating unpublished images of what was experienced at the group level.


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