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Cristina Navarro Ruiz
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Vol. 03 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 83-109
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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From its birth, Web 2.0. or Social Web has made available to enterprises an array of tools that for the first time can fulfill the promises of dialogue, transparency, consensus and mutual understanding with the public, a goal which public relations must set themselves. Due to the fact that blogs were pioneers in the field of online communications, they offer an interesting perspective when it comes to analyzing the role that new technologies are playing within the strategic communication of companies, their evolution and the changes they have experienced after the boom of Social Networks. In conclusion, this study seeks to explain how public relations professionals have incorporated blogs, how they develop their capacity for interactivity and dialogue, how blogs fit into the public relations plan, what their advantages and disadvantages are as compared to other media, which department in the company is responsible for their management and what their future prospects are with the fast inroads Social Networks are making.


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