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Óscar Gutiérrez-Aragón
Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)
Gaspar Berbel Giménez
Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)
Meritxell Copeiro-Fernández
Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)
Itziar Linde-Gomis
Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022), Articles (open section), pages 136-154
Submitted: Jul 29, 2022 Accepted: Oct 18, 2022 Published: Dec 16, 2022
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The main aim of this article is to examine the effect of sensory marketing on the decisions of restaurant customers when travelling as food tourists. The study is based on a quantitative descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis of the results of a survey. The results show that 32.30% of the participants identify food tourism as one of their main reasons for travelling to a specific destination and that 35.2% would be willing to pay more to enjoy a multisensory experience in a restaurant. The study concludes that the companies and institutions involved in this competitive sector must move to adopt the techniques of sensory marketing, since food tourists show very specific sensory preferences in relation to sight (light), smell (more or less strong smells), taste (dishes), hearing (ambient music) and touch (materials).


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