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Vânia Sousa
Universidade do Porto
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021), Monograph December 2021. Retromarketing, pages 44-62
Submitted: Nov 2, 2021 Accepted: Nov 30, 2021 Published: Dec 14, 2021
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Brands are becoming more aware of the importance of adding value to their products through storytelling. The aim of this article is to raise awareness of the power of storytelling and retromarketing to enhance the effectiveness of brand communication strategies and increase customer loyalty. The study consisted of an analysis of the chemicals produced in the brain during the telling of different types of stories and their influence on consumer behaviours, and of brand archetypes, based on the work of Carl Jung in this area. The study also conducted a review of experiments that demonstrate the economic value of storytelling and retromarketing narratives. The results show that storytelling and retromarketing enhance brand uniqueness and create a deeper, more genuine relationship between companies and customers. This emotional connection may be achieved when storytelling is targeted at a specific audience as part of a larger marketing strategy.


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