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Marco López-Pareces
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021), Articles (open section), pages 98-115
Submitted: Sep 27, 2021 Accepted: Nov 16, 2021 Published: Dec 14, 2021
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The aim of this article is to examine the practice of marketing and integrated advertising from the point of view of media ecology. Following McLuhan and taking into account the technologies used in integrated advertising, interaction and brand activation are understood as the main purpose of marketing. The study consists of a literature review and an analysis of how interactions have developed over time, chronicling how these changes have permeated commercial communications from their origins to the advent of high technology. In this latter stage, audiovisual technology, electronic devices, interactive participation by the audience and customers, message and medium acquire a strategic influence on the creation of nostalgia. Marketing activations in a global village may be studied through their theoretical contribution and contextualised in case studies where the factors that support their actions may be observed.


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