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Fernando Carcavilla Puey
Universidad San Jorge
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021), Monograph December 2021. Retromarketing, pages 1-23
Submitted: Aug 20, 2021 Accepted: Oct 19, 2021 Published: Dec 14, 2021
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The uncertainty generated by the transition to electric cars and the concentration of car brands under single manufacturing groups have forced car brands to redefine their identity. In doing so, some have opted to focus on their heritage as a way to set themselves apart from others and strengthen a perception of authenticity. The main aim of this study is to confirm the existence of a retro trend in the automotive sector and to examine how that trend is reflected in the visual identity of the brands. The study consisted of a diachronic study of the main brands in the Spanish market and a content analysis of the graphical features of their visual identity. The results show a general trend towards formal simplicity, reflecting the interest of the brands in projecting an image of cleanliness and simplicity consistent with the new energy sources, and an invocation of the past by some brands in their latest restylings.


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