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Coral Cenizo
Universidad San Pablo CEU
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2021), Monograph June 2021. Marketing and Capitalism, pages 21-39
Submitted: Apr 25, 2021 Accepted: Jun 9, 2021 Published: Jun 30, 2021
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The present study aims to determine if Spanish influencers show narcissistic behavior on social networks and in what aspects this possible behavior is more obvious. For this, a content analysis of the profiles and publications of twelve Spanish influencers on Instagram has been carried out, in which five aspects have been studied, based in previous research on the matter. The results show that influencers present narcissistic behaviors on social networks, with exceptions. The conclusions give rise to an important reflection on the role that influencers play, as new opinion leaders, in promoting behavior patterns typical of today's consumer society, such as narcissism, and their social repercussions, especially among young people who are immersed in an environment increasingly dominated by social networks.


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