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Santiago Toral Reyes
Universidad Casa Grande
Ana Belén Ampuero Cabrera
Universidad Casa Grande
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019), Articles (open section), pages 61-74
Submitted: Sep 19, 2019 Accepted: Nov 18, 2019 Published: Dec 23, 2019
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The aim of this research is to investigate the cultural consumption habits of visitors to the iconic Las Peñas neighbourhood in Guayaquil, based on data from a selection of entertainment venues. Interviews were carried out between April and August 2018 to obtain information about visitor habits and perceptions about the cultural scene in Las Peñas. The results show that younger visitors prefer venues such as La Paleta or Diva Nicotina, because of the kind of clientele they attract with their gourmet menus and alternative music. Older respondents were more likely to choose Artur’s Café, perceived as a place to congregate and listen to ‘golden oldies’. Despite differences in consumption habits, interviewees agreed that the main motivation to visit Las Peñas is the variety of cultural activities available, as well as the sense of history in the neighbourhood.


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