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Héctor Canossa Montes de Oca
Universidad Técnica Nacional
Costa Rica
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019), Articles (open section), pages 43-60
Submitted: Aug 18, 2019 Accepted: Oct 31, 2019 Published: Dec 23, 2019
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Effective marketing requires continuous information. Isolated strategic actions and research are not enough: what companies need are comprehensive information process systems that cover everything from data collection to business planning and monitoring. This study uses a literary review methodology to describe how marketing methods and strategic planning have been affected by marketing information systems (MKIS), technological advances and changes in media. The results assess the evolution and applications of MKIS in relation to marketing strategies and developments in the digital age. The study concludes that companies need to adapt to trends and demands within their sector, and to their customers’ needs and expectations. The potential of digital media should be exploited more effectively and a flexible system of continuous information should be developed to facilitate decision-making for business development.


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