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Tara Suárez-Cousillas
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 01 No. 022 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 209-227
Submitted: Dec 29, 2018 Published: Dec 29, 2018
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The birth of the Internet, the daily use of smartphones, geolocation and other technological advances, offer the possibility for companies to contact and communicate with a greater number of people, which can affect their positioning in the market.Among other factors, the use of new information and communication technologies has changed the functioning of companies, consumer behavior and the concept of marketing in relation to how they were understood at the beginning of the last century. In a time when companies only made economic efforts in the development of the product, it reaches a time focused on the consumer where all the efforts of the companies are aimed at detecting the needs of customers, even before they know them. It goes from a production approach to a marketing approach.The object of the present investigation, of approximate character, consists in carrying out an analysis of the evolution of marketing, from 1.0 to 4.0. The proposed objectives are: to analyze, quantitatively, the scientific production on Marketing, in its different phases, and to know which the research areas with the highest scientific production about the previous point in Scopus are. The methodology applied focuses on the search for scientific production in the Scopus database for the period between 2014 and 2018.


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