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Ana Belén Fernández-Souto
Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
Iván Puentes-Rivera
Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
Montse Vázquez Gestal
Universidad de Vigo (UVigo)
Vol. 01 No. 022 (2018), Monograph December 2018. Public relations, pages 157-184
Submitted: Dec 29, 2018 Published: Dec 29, 2018
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The Galician emigration to America has turned out to be so important throughout the XXth century that in many of these countries, Gallicia is named “the native mother” and the Spanish, by extension they are known like “Galicians“. Considering the numerical importance of Galician emigrants in many Latin-American countries, we propose an article in which there is analyzed the importance that the politicians of Gallicia grant to these emigrants and its progeny due to the role who can go so far as to play in the electoral processes in Spain, in general, and in Gallicia, in particular. For it there will be analyzed the communicative actions that develop to the economic cover of the Galician autonomous government in these centers and, especially, the institutional visits of the Prime ministers autonomous to Latin America.


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