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Mafalda Eiró-Gomes
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (ESCS-IPL)
Tatiana Nunes
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (ESCS-IPL)
Vol. 01 No. 022 (2018), Monograph December 2018. Public relations, pages 65-88
Submitted: Dec 29, 2018 Published: Dec 29, 2018
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The specific research question that this paper will be addressing may be summarised as an interrogation about the role that the Public Relations (communication) professionals are called to fulfill in the sports federations in Portugal. Do the communication professionals have operational and strategic responsibilities in the portuguese sports federations? How do these organisations understand the concept of “strategic communication”? Is institutional or corporate communications still understood as a function that belongs exclusively to the realm of the private companies?  Under the umbrella concept of strategic responsibilities we’ve considered aspects as the definition of the communication priorities in a strategic and planned way or  the mapping and management of the stakeholders. Questions as the existence of a media relations plan or a risk and crisis communication plan were also addressed. Under the idea of a more operational approach we’ve considered aspects that have to do with events and actions that are dealt in a merely responsive or casuistical way. In order to produce the data, semi-structured interviews were conducted in all the sports federations respondents by a researcher, and the data collected analysed with the help of a qualitative text / content analysis software, NVivo.


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