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Joaquim Manuel Fernandes Brigas
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal
Pedro Miguel De Sousa Marques Simões
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal
Handerson Webber Aguiar Engrácio
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal
Vol. 01 No. 021 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 145-168
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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Terrorism has always been present in contemporary societies, making us part of our day-to-day life. It is important to take into account precise definitions of this phenomenon; their differences and social interactions; define the forms of diffusion of the messages, their interaction through the Media, as well as, try to minimize their effects. The hypercommunication society in which we now live facilitates public visibility, and the actions that the terrorists try to energize, is based on communication as the main key in the public diffusion of their acts. The change in communications paradigms, resulting above all from a growing technological capabilities, accessible to all, makes it possible to spread items around the world, shaping public opinion and giving terrorists a information and communication. The fact that current media work in a cyber perspective and through multiplatform devices, allows the achievement of a broader and faster way of achieving the objectives of terrorists, achieving a much more attentive audience, capable of interacting with much more positive. The analysis of reactions through social networks by communities affected by terrorism can be particularly interesting, as well as of their "opponents", as in the case of Christian and Muslim societies in terrorist attacks by Islamic radicals in Europe. Such as the London atack in March 2017. We adress a case study in a portuguese forum.


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