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José Sixto García
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España
Vol. 01 No. 021 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 79-101
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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With more than 800 million active users every month, Instagram has become the fashion network for the distribution of audiovisual content, especially photography and short video. The relevance of the network for the exploitation of personal brands is demonstrated by the examples of influencers that were born on Instagram and now act as prescribers of other commercial brands.
However, how can organizations take advantage of this network to get closer to the public and improve engagement levels? In this paper we analyze the possibilities and resources offered by Instagram for the management of communication in organizations, differentiating between the practices of particular users and the professional treatment of a brand. Special attention is paid to the potential of the self-destructive content (Instagram stories) and its relevance for using in community management planning. Wedescribe and analyze the patterns and management models that denote authority and influence so, on the other hand, the most notoriety accounts in the network are examined. It is concluded by evaluating the analytical standards that must be considered for the measurement of audiences, of the return and of the investment made.


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