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Sara Pérez-Seijo
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 01 No. 021 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 29-51
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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The media landscape goes through a period of experimentation with production and consumption. European public broadcasters want to innovate and differentiate themselves from mass media in order to attract audience again, but this in a moment of media saturation and rise of visual culture. The main challenge is to fight the obsolescence. For that purpose, broadcasters opt for alternatives linked to the application of new technologies and formats and to create active audiences. Thus, there emerges the implementation of immersive narratives, based on 360-degrees recording techniques and/or virtual reality production. This kind of products allows users a first-person experience of news, events or entertainment issues. European broadcasting Union has attempted to promote this innovation among its members. In fact, the 67% of European Union´s public broadcasters, members of the above-mentioned association, had applied immersive narratives on non-fiction content up to April 2017. Therefore,the aim of this study is to find out how broadcasters organize and give visibility to their immersive pieces, specifically, creating sections on their websites. To that end, a comparative study has been carried out on the immersive content sections of the BBC (United Kingdom), ZDF (Germany), RTBF (Belgium) and RTVE (Spain). A quantitative analysis trough data collection and then codification using an analysis sheet. The objective is to identify if these sections make easier the access and so the consumption of immersive products, if the titles of sections reflects properly their content and how this is organized on these pages.


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