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Julinda Molares-Cardoso
Universidad de Vigo, España
María Eugenia Montero Campos
Universidad de Vigo, España
Vol. 01 No. 021 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 5-27
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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This research analyzes the key elements that make up the personal branding through the study of the definitions and the most representative theories coinciding with its twenty years of history. A descriptive and evaluative methodology are based on a conceptual analysis of the term which was created in 1997 by Tom Peters and allows to identify how the definitions suggested by the authors are built over two pillars: the value
proposition of the individual and the connection with others. Described below are the models of the most significant authors: the 5Vs of the Varvelli, the 5 ideas of McNally and Speak, the 3Cs of William Arruda, the secrets of the personal branding of Catherine Kaputa and the 50 keys of Tom Peters. The objective is to delimitate and present those common points in which the proposals studied converge. It is about providing a scenario that allows to extract the main ideas that make up the management of personal brands in its two decades of history.


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