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Sebastián Mónaco
Escuela Argentina de Investigación, Instituto Universitario, Argentina
Vol. 01 No. 020 (2018), Articles (open section), pages 135-173
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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This article is based on the Digital Marketing research for SMEs Argentina (2014 - 2016) in which a study was conducted on the use of digital marketing: positioning and contacts (social networks), product sales or service provision (e- commerce), integration of the entire process (ebusiness) in the SMEs consultancies of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), in order to identify areas of opportunity for the sector in the implementation of new technologies. The research methodology implemented to carry out this research was qualitative, given that it was desired to understand the current situation in terms of the implementation of digital tools, for which indicators such as the degree of implementation of digital marketing were analyzed and analyzed. means, among others. After randomly determining the SMEs to be analyzed, a survey was made of their web pages in order to detect parameters of institutional communication. Likewise, their presence in social networks was studied: grade, form and type of communication (particularly Linkedin, Facebook and Twiter). And on the other hand, it was evaluated if these companies presented their profile in Google, which includes their Geolocation and information about it. Based on the information gathered, in-depth interviews were conducted with members with managerial or managerial positions of said PyMES consulting companies linked to general services that operate in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Reason for which the analysis of the data was based on cases or people and their manifestations. The results obtained show that 75% of the companies studied use digital marketing and consider their vital implementation to obtain greater visibility and increase their participation in the market.


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