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Néstor Sebastián Violante
Facultad de Cs Sociales Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora
Jessica Mabel Laurent
Facultad de Cs Sociales Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora
Vol. 01 No. 018 (2017), Articles (open section), pages 117-136
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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This article explores the different professional roles in advertising agencies and the tasks performed by these professionals from the revolution that the technology has generated inside and outside of the advertising. The enterprises find the necessity to be adapted and achieve subsist in a market increasingly saturated and competitive, in order to reach consumers that in many cases are no longer in traditional media and, in other cases, they are but less than before.
There have been realized interviews unstructured to five digital agencies that emerged through a nonprobability random selection with the purpose to define and develop those roles. In this changing scenario, emerge new specialized agencies and new professionals or new roles, that born by the necessity to mediate the relation “Enterprise-digital consumer”. For that the agencies can also continue being competitives, is necessary the constant specialization and capacitation of the professionals who work in them.


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