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Carmen Hidalgo-Alcázar
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
Janett Cofré Tapia
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
Macarena Cortés Castillo
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
Inoska Hurtado Rojas
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
Vol. 01 No. 018 (2017), Articles (open section), pages 49-82
Submitted: Dec 3, 2018 Accepted: Dec 3, 2018
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Around the world, the planet has been deteriorating due to the accelerated activities of man. It is because of it, that there has been generated an awakening of the conscience of the persons, adapting friendly behaviors with the environment. Therefore, an issue that has taken great strength at present is the concern of the consumer for the environment, forcing companies to implement strategies of ecological marketing, seeking to meet the needs of customers and generate the minimum negative impact on the ecosystem.
This research aims to analyze the ecological conscience that consumer have at the time of making the purchase in Chile, in order to propose strategies applicable to Marketing eco-consumer goods. To achieve the overall objective, data were collected by means of an in-person survey to determine the degree of ecological consciousness and how it influences the decision to purchase of consumer goods.
The results of this research help to propose plans of action to improve the green image of the companies and to create or improve the environmental consciousness of consumers. Therefore, the information provided in this research with the proposed action plans, they intend to contribute to the development of the sustainability of companies and increasing the consciousness of the population.


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